Relational Somatic Therapy

Working with the body, mind and nervous system to move towards a sense of embodied belonging

Somatic-based therapist

I am a somatic-based relational therapist. I specialise in integrating body-based, cognitive and relational approaches to support individuals to recover from the impact of trauma.

Through decades of working from a body-based focus I have come to see bodies as a gateway to connecting with our authentic selves. By tuning into our physical sensations in the presence of an empathic witness we can learn to listen to our needs, desires, and boundaries, building a deeper connection with ourselves and those around us.

Our bodies hold a reservoir of our deepest experiences, emotions and beliefs. Our physical sensations mirror our inner feelings and often reflect our memories back to us.

By gently connecting you with your body deep insights can surface and facilitate long-lasting healing.

“We have learnt that trauma is not the event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body.”

— Bessel A. van der Kolk

An integrative approach

  • Somatic Experiencing

    Somatic Experiencing focuses on helping you to tune into your body's sensations as a means of processing trauma.

  • Psychotherapeutic Counselling

    Various psychotherapeutic approaches come together to help you build self-awareness, personal growth, and emotional healing.

  • Safe and Sound Protocol

    The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) uses sound to help regulate the nervous system, reduce anxiety and hypervigilance, and support nervous system regulation and social engagement.

  • Sensory Integration

    Through Sensory Integration, we explore your various sensory systems to identify sensory needs and strategies to meet these needs and support a settling of the nervous system.

  • Therapeutic Touch

    Therapeutic touch provides a nonverbal way of re-establishing safety and trust in the body, offering a sense of care, connection, and regulation.

  • Somatic Attachment

    Here, we work towards secure attachment patterns to create a sense of safety, attunement, and trust, helping you to develop healthier interpersonal connections.

You might be experiencing




Relationship challenges




Overwhelming emotions

Difficulty recognising needs

Difficulty setting boundaries